Top 5 Best Teeth-in-a-Day, All-on-4, New Teeth in 1 Day Providers in the World

Very frequently patients contact us from all over the world and ask us if we know other practitioners in their area that can provide the same service when it comes to Teeth-in-a-Day, All-on-4, New Teeth in 1 Day. Many offices talk about this procedure on their website and want to show that they perform it frequently, but they actually do not. This rating is based on my professional, honest, unbiased perspective on what each office is truly doing. Even if this is a popular theme amongst dentists, the group of doctors that actually perform it regularly and frequently is very small. I personally know them, I know their work and capabilities. If I did not perform this procedure myself, I would send my mother to one of these doctors in this order:

  1. Dr. Michael Golpa in Las vegas, Nevada, USA. He is a true All-on-4 provider, he trained about 20 years ago with the inventor of the procedure, Dr. Paulo Malo in Portugal, he improved the procedure even more (invented G4), he has a very technologically advanced lab in his office. He is a true pioneer in the field continuously inventing.
  2. Dr. Paulo Malo in Lisbon, Portugal. He is credited with the invention of this procedure and the scientific research for it in the 90’s. He did perform thousands of procedures himself, invented new type of dental implants specifically for this procedure, trained other practitioners, and wrote the scientific articles on it. Currently, the only set back is that he’s not doing too many surgeries himself, he delegates them to his employees in his clinics and he uses the same materials as he used in the past, while recently there are better materials.
  3. Dr. Wolfgang Bolz in Munich, Germany. He is credited as the doctor who brought this procedure to a very conservative country and now he is a superstar practitioner who has patients coming from all over Germany, other European countries and the Middle East to have this procedure done in his clinic in Munich, Germany. He also has a very technologically advanced Dental Lab with about 20 Dental Technicians. His work is mostly done with Cubic Zirconia.
  4. Dr. Steven Bongart, Toronto, Canada and London, England. He is a true pioneer also, he perfected the original procedure from Dr. Paulo Malo to make it less invasive, faster and more efficient. He teaches around the world, he has a very direct style and was successful to gather very competent practitioners in his clinics. He has his own in-house labs for his two clinics and all the work is performed in 1 day or within 24 hours.
  5. The ClearChoice Dental Implants franchise has 45 centers in USA. They have an impressive number of patients that they treated in their combined 45 centers. They have very specific protocols on how these procedures are done. They have extensive research based on their own cases. The reason they are number 5 in rating is because they do not have in house labs to finalize their final teeth in-house and there are huge differences amongst centers in US. Some centers perform very well with a lot of patients, others really struggle getting the patients or getting the staff to stay with them. Their reviews and patient experience vary vastly amongst different centers. Most complaints are about overselling and hard selling, questioning warranty, many doctors involved, not delivered what was promised, too much of a corporate and legal approach and very high prices.